Josie is strong and independent, and set in her ways. She is also single and menopausal. Watching her try to keep her life as fiercely controlled and regimented while things spiral beyond her control is humorous and something most of us can relate to.
Barb comes across as the typical grandmotherly figure. She is there for everyone and always has a treat and some advice for you. The glimpses into her personal life help round out and make her human.
Marsha's creative writing therapy is humorous when used in the overall narrative, but seems out of place when chapters of her fiction are placed in between chapters of Baumbich's novel. Overall, Marsha was my least favorite of the primary characters.
Overall, this is a clean book, and one that I would (and did!) loan to a friend... my mother. :-)
You can find your copy of Divine Appointments here at Barnes and Noble or here at Amazon. I was forwarded a print copy for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
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